This year’s theme for Worldwide FertilityCare Week, “Know your Body: Love your Spouse,” celebrates the potential that the Creighton Model FertilityCareTM System has for women’s gynecologic and reproductive health as well as for increased marital intimacy through SPICE.
Don’t think the CrMS is only for married couples. Knowing the body’s language of health and fertility has a profound effect on single women, too. It affirms them in their dignity and equips them with the necessary tools to monitor their health throughout their reproductive lives. Furthermore, understanding the integrity of their fertility empowers single women in true femininity.
The System
•Is as effective to avoid pregnancy as any other method of family planning, including the birth control pill when taught and used correctly.
•Enhances a couple’s relationship.
•Respects Life from the moment of conception.
•Is effective with assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, miscarriage,ovarian cysts and PMS.
•Is more effective to achieve pregnancy than artificial reproductive technologies, including IVF, for couples experiencing infertility.
•Is inexpensive
•Is an investment in your future because it can be used during the your entire procreative life, to plan or avoid pregnancy, coming off of hormonal contraception, breastfeeding, post-partum, perimenopause or any other situation.
•Is a valuable gynecological and health record because of the daily tracking of signs of fertility
•Is a healthy alternative for health-conscious women.
Would you like to learn more about the Creighton Model FertilityCareTM System? Do you want to know what you can do to get involved? Contact Santa Ana FertilityCareTM Center for more information on our special events, and presentations in the Dayton area. Come, celebrate with us!