Our practitioners, Daniel and Liliana Bejarano, were trained in an Allied Health Education Program at the Pope Paul VI Institute affiliated to Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska USA. Daniel and Lili have a combined experience of 20 years of teaching and using FertilityCare™. They are certified by the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals . They adhere to the Code of Ethics and Academy standards and participate in continuing education activities. Santa Ana FertilityCare™ Center is an affiliate of FertilityCare™ Centers of America.
Lili and Daniel are members of the International Institute of Restorative Reproductive Medicine, and the Catholic Medical Association.
Our purpose is to provide education in the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System to women and couples. We believe that every woman has the right to learn to monitor her fertility cycles in order to understand the way her body works. The fertility cycle is a vital sign that reveals not only reproductive health but also is an important indicator of overall health.
Our program is a holistic approach to reproductive health, human sexuality and human procreation as an alternative to contraception, sterilization, and artificial reproductive technologies.
The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System is morally acceptable to all faiths. A woman can know her cycles and use this information for the maintenance of her health. Further, couples can use this knowledge to plan their family and build their future together.