FertilityCare and NaProTECHNOLOGY , “An Idea Whose Time Has Come”

At Santa Ana FertilityCare Center we believe that it is our responsibility to let you know about the available natural procreative choices. You may not receive this information from your health care provider, family, or friends because it is often confused with the outdated rhythm method of family planning that was very limiting, unreliable and required the woman to have regular cycles. This is not true about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology.
Our goal is to inform all women, couples, clergy and health professionals “What every couple should know and what every woman has the right to know”.
The theme for Worldwide FertilityCare Week 2013, “An Idea Whose Time Has Come” reflects the fact that the FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology are the solutions to real women’s health problems and to real problems that couples face.
FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology, a new reproductive science that is very effective in achieving and avoiding pregnancy, offers couples who are suffering infertility hope to achieve pregnancy, while respecting the teachings of the church. Couples can plan and space their children easily learning this modern and natural method of family planning.
FertilityCare is a national and international network of reproductive health services morally and professionally acceptable. It is an extremely innovative system for the first time, networking family planning with reproductive and gynecological health. FertilityCare ™ is very effective when used to achieve pregnancy, and is 99% effective in preventing or postponing pregnancy, and the best is that it is 100% natural.
For more information about how to learn the system FertilityCare in Santa Ana FertilityCare ™ Center please email: nfp@santaanafertilitycare.org or call 937 278 5155
We have long-distance services in English and Spanish.

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