The pill

After 50 years is the pill a good answer for women? Have you ever wondered why when you visit the doctor and start talking about your period you end up with a prescription for the pill at the end of your visit? Do you have legitimate menstrual cramps, irregular periods, unusual bleeding, or premenstrual syndrome …


Yes, it is possible! This is the history of our battles, sufferings and triumph with breastfeeding. As health care professionals, we have taught many women post-childbirth how to breastfeed their babies successfully. Hence we believed we had enough knowledge and desire to feed our daughter exclusively with breast milk. We knew the advantages of breastfeeding …

La Píldora y otros anticonceptivos

  Reflexiones acerca de la Píldora y otros anticonceptivos 40 años después de Humanae Vitae Poco más de cuarenta años después de la importante encíclica Humanae vitae del papa Pablo VI  vemos el panorama de una sociedad plagada de falsas promesas con respecto al control de la natalidad originadas por la tecnología contraceptiva moderna. En …